Steri Strips | Instructions When & How To Use To Close A Wound

Steri Strips | Instructions When & How To Use To Close A Wound ByKen J. for Modern Survival Blog

Wound Care & Guidelines when and how to use Steri Strips for closure or when to Suture instead.

UPDATED TIP below… “When” to use steri strips for emergency versus when sutures would be better.

Will I be able to actually sew myself back up if something happens that requires it?

I’ve got the suture kits, steri strips, everything to clean the wounds or whatever, but, can I pull off stitching myself up?

That question from a reader here on MSB inspired another reader (with medical credentials) to answer with some great insight and guidelines. I’ve detailed it as follows:

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Steri Strips & Butterfly Stitches

On the strips, there are two kinds. Steri strips and Butterflys.

Steri strips come in 1/8″, 1/4″ & 1/2″ size widths.

1/8″ x 3″ 3M Steri-Strip Skin Closures
(view on amzn)

1/4″ x 3″ 3M Steri-Strip Skin Closures
(view on amzn)

1/2″ x 4″ 3M Steri-Strip Skin Closures
(view on amzn)

‘Butterflys’ are available in large and small.

When to Use Steri Strips

Depth of the Wound

The depth of the wound is what matters with steri strips.

– Less than 3/16″ deep, likely okay to use tape (strips).
– Deeper than 1/4″, probably should be sutures.

– In between, at 3/16″, it’s “iffy”, tape or suture.


Tip: The thickness of two ‘quarters’ is slightly less than 3/16″. It’s actually in-between two and three ‘quarters’. So you might say a wound depth more than that will be better treated with sutures.

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